The School Council

Thomastown East Primary Schools school council comprises of parents, the principal, staff and community members.
The school council assists in setting the educational policy of a school. Our school councils has 7 parent representatives and 3 staff members.

To be a part of our council, you don’t need any particular qualifications or experience – we look for enthusiastic parents who want to help improve the learning outcomes and school environment for all students.

Elections to school council positions are completed by the end of March each year. All parents or guardians of students enrolled at the school are eligible to vote for candidates wanting to participate on the school council.

The meetings usually take place on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. School Council members are also divided into a variety of committees. These committees include:

  1. Buildings and grounds
  2. Out of Hours Care
  3. Curriculum-Fundraising
  4. Finance

If you are interested in being involved with school council, please contact the office on 9465 3032.